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New Post 10/9/2022 2:10 PM
User is offline elsaelsa
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Requirements level for an RFP 

Hello. I work for a company that has a custom application, developped on very old technology and they cannot maintain it or make it evolve anymore. So they want to have it re-developped  completely with newer technology and architecture. I have to write an RFP to find the provider who will custom develop it. However, the functional scope of this solution is huge and I do not know how to approach it.

Option 1: make very detailed requirements (including the many business rules) in the RFP so that the providers who respond to the RFP can estimate accurately the price for the development of the new solution. The problem is that it will take a very long time, and the very detailed business rules will probably change before we get to the developement phase in 2 years.

Option 2: make a list of higher level requirements for the RFP (and detailed requirements/specifications will come in the developement phase of the project so we are sure that business rules are up to date) but I am not sure the providers who respond to the RFP will be able to make accurate estimates of the price.

So today I am unsure how to proceed and I would love to have the feedback of other BAs on this topic.

Thank you very much

New Post 10/28/2022 8:11 AM
User is offline Stewart F
119 posts
7th Level Poster

Re: Requirements level for an RFP 

Hi Elsaelsa, 

This is a common problem which must experienced BAs will have gone through at some time in their career. So do not worry that you 'all alone' - you most certainly are not. 

My personal preference is to keep the NFR high level. Where you think an area needs more of a breakdown then do so, but try to use process/flow diagrams as they are easier for someone to follow and understand.

I would then add a sentence ot two stating that if more detailed requirements are required, these can be providerd. Post writing the NFR, outline the requiremetns in more detail. These will be needed to provide test scripts for your company's UAT testing and in case the 3rd party requires more detail. 

Lastly, if you  aren't sure what requirements need more detail/are key then ask your Stakeholders to select the most important requirements for them. This will give you a good idea of which ones require a greater level of detail. 


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