I am currently a second year student in South Africa (Age 20) studying Bsc BIT (Business Information Technology) through the London School of Business and Management, I kind of stepped into the course not knowing what I was going to do one day choosing the degree since IT has been a passion since I was a kid and the business management aspect of the course kept my dad happy who is a banker by the way (go figure), this covers my background...
Earlier today I went on some job search sites under the IT / Telecomms topics and did some browsing. I figured I'd do programming after completing my degree since I do have .net skills (C#,, and because I excel at it, but after having some talks with people who have been in the development sector for some time I grew a little anxious about the working environment, I'm a very social and outgoing person and enjoy public speaking and figured I’d be wasting some of that potential. I then came across numerous applications for BAs and SAs, having only read about their roles in text books, I wiki'd that shit to look at some of the requirements and it sounds like an absolute dream job!
I'm thinking of either doing my MBA or MSC in information systems management (which sounds perfect) after completing my HONS degree.
The job applications are quite vague on the actual skills required and seem to vary tremendously, however skills such as programming (.net, java and C++), SQL, UML skills and a broad IT knowledge seem to be common among most.
My essay is drawing a close,
I would like to know where I go from here if I wish to pursue this line of work. Are there skills I need to learn on my own time? And how do I get into this career path as even the Junior Applications require 1 - 3 years worth of Analysis experience???
Thanks and sorry for the lengthy read!
Wessel (Pronounced "Vessel" - The English seem to have trouble pronouncing it ;D )