Your question and frustration is normal for all new BAs regardless of their industry. "Clueless" usually means the mental picture between where I am now and the answer to what is demanded from me is simply not appearing for me. So the trap that a BA will fall into is to be 'active' and busy in the hope that the solutional path will appear in the form of some magic method or process. And this causes so much stress and anxiety that you are unable to focus productively.
Firstly, sit down and define your Role and Responsibility for the task at hand. Then write down the stakeholders. Next go and talk to these stakeholders for whom you are doing the work; interview, discuss, share, plan with them until you 'see' the vision they see. Let them know you are struggling with the vision, as they will try to explain in different terms, one of which might strike a note with you. Unless of course you have an excellent answer when the timeframe elapses and they ask the question "Why didn't you come ask us for more help and input earlier?" Having got some vision of what, where and how, now draw with pencil and paper a diagram of your understanding of that vision - it must be a picture, high-level, broad but covering the entire scope. Drawing will crystalise your understanding.
The result of drawing will be many unanswered questions, action tasks your need to follow up on, and other such that require your delving into. Now you can start asking relevant and focused questions. It will become clearer: what parts are key, which are support, where problems lurk, and those that are 'noise'. Now label each part as one of these: 1) data or behaviour; 2)process; or 3)usage. To elaborate a little, data& behaviour deals with information, numbers, data, etc; Process is the flow of work or operations; and Usage is the interaction between people and the various elements. Once you have done this the particular analytical model can be applied. I can share with you which models for which label.
Lastly, as a guide, for each 1hr of analysis there should be 1hr of stakeholder communication. Nothing is worse than the embarassement felt on completion of your hard work on a major problem than to discover you have solved the wrong problem. It does not matter how well or how badly you have analyzed something if its the wrong thing.
Your thoughts... btlw