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New Post 12/29/2020 10:57 PM
User is offline Kelly0445
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Documenting Dashboards  

Hi all,

I just started working again at the age of 37. My boss has asked me to document the retail dashboards our company is making for a client. I don't want to embarrass myself. Please guide me on what steps should I take to do that? What questions to ask? and what are the steps in documenting a retail dashboard?



New Post 3/28/2021 10:59 AM
User is offline ShreeMBA
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Re: Documenting Dashboards  


Most of the Dashboards  essentially deals with all the monitoring of performance and  analysis of the data. So you can start with analysing what type of data  is used as the metrics and key performance indicators for your dashboard.

1.Data - The Data can be :MasterData ,Operational Data

Operational data that may deal with values of daily/weekly/monthly.For eg: SalesPerformace dashboard will have metrics for tracking their sales daily,weekly,monthly,quaterly and annual.

Master data which will be remain the same.For eg: Sales area, Region,Product,DeliveryMode/Shipping..

2.KPI& Metrics - Detailed explaination of  the Metrics and KPIs

3.Description of the Components used in dashboard

5.When was the data updated and what is the current version . You can also mention about the history of the versions.

6.Any updates in the Key performance indicators

7.Sources for these data : like other softwares like Salesforce or ERP systems 

8.Owner of the dashboard

Ideally your documentation should translate the dashboard and provide guidance to the users 

Good luck.



New Post 6/28/2021 2:24 PM
User is offline Sonal Jaitley
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Re: Documenting Dashboards  

It might also help checking with your boss about who the intended audience is for the document. If it is a 'user'  the document will contain information around access/logging, navigating the dashboard and provide an overview of the contents within the dashboard. If the intended audience is the technical team, it might be best to cover technical details on the webpage surrounding data displayed on the Dashboard.

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