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New Post 4/6/2014 9:15 PM
User is offline Sundu
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How can I write use case for this scenario? Please suggest. 


I am just posting an open ended question for different ideas.

I have below scenario.

The workflow comprises 3 levels.

First Level: User's job is to enter data to create a record. He can save the data at any point in time as a draft item. Once he finishes his job (entering data), he can submit for verification. A task will be generated for second level user.

Second Level: User's job is to verify data and modify if required. He can also reject the record for re-entry of the data by First Level user. Also.. he can start entering data afresh just like First level user. Once he finishes his job, he can submit for approval. A task will be generated for third level user.

Third Level: User's job is to approve/reject. If approved, record will be activated in the system. He can also modify data if required. He can reject the record for re-entry of the data by First Level user. Also... he can start entering data afresh just like First level user and self-approve (No task will be generated as he can approve his own creation).

Qn 1: Can i capture entire flow in single usecase?

Qn 2: If you see above... all three level users can create a record afresh. But only third level user can self-approve. how can i handle... if I have a common use case "Create a record"?

Qn 3: What is the solution for this with least number of usecases?
New Post 4/9/2014 5:34 AM
User is offline fred
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10th Level Poster

Re: How can I write use case for this scenario? Please suggest. 

 It can probably be done with one use case for all 3 plus an extension for the 3rd one but I really have to say that what you are describing here is not what use cases are for. They are not for defining technology or for finding the least number you can write, although most times there are too many use cases written for a system.

A use case is a single atomic event or process that provides something of value to the actor. Entering data, saving data, submitting data are not really relevant but the functionality of the system is. If all that is happening is entering data and there is no other process then I don't even think you need a use case but you can write one. 

Step 1: Actor - Provide information

Step 2: System - Save information

Step 3: Actor - Send information to the next level

In the extended use case  you would have 

Step E1: Approve information

Unless  you have some process that is going to happen I don't really see much going on here and since you haven't provided the full set of stakeholder requests or the functional requirements I really add much more. 


By the way, You only have one or two actors here. All 3 levels would be a single actor and then the approver would be a second actor. Think of actors as roles and not jobs or people and you will be ok here. 

New Post 5/9/2014 12:40 AM
User is offline Sundu
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Re: How can I write use case for this scenario? Please suggest. 

 Thanks for the reply Fred.

May be the scenario I gave was vague. Qn 2 in my previous post is my primary concern.

Let me give a better example. Lets take a module in Loan Management System. A business scenario around which the system is built would be like this,

End customer walks into a bank branch to submit his loan application (paper based) to Loans Dept.

The Business has a workflow:

Loans Officer who receives such loan applications from customers and ensures that documentation is proper/complete and submits each case to Loans Manager who scrutinises those applications and eventually takes a decision to approve/reject.

There could be situations when Loan Manager acts as Loans Officer to receive loan applications in which case there is no workflow.

Also, all applications (both self-made and submitted by Loans Officer) must be approved only by Loans Manager.

Now, a solution is designed as below:

Users of the system: Loans Officer and Loans Manager with separate logins.

Features available for Loans Officer: Making online loan application by entering data. Validations are implemented in such a way that unless all mandatory fields are filled and all mandatory documents are attached, application cannot be completed.

Features available for Loans Manager: Since sometimes he can also act as Loans Officer, all features available for Loans Officer are available for this user too. On top of them, facility to approve/reject an application is given.

Workflow component is designed as below,

If Officer makes an application and submits successfully, a work task with status 'Pending Approval' will be generated in Manager's inbox.

But Manager has single and simple flow to make an application and approve without any interruption and workflow.


Do you think use case is not required to capture this workflow functionality and other business rules involved in the process of loan approval?

If Yes,

My Usecase template has below fields.

Name:                     Actor:                     Precondition:                             Post condition on success: 

I believe "Make a loan application" is a use case.

In one scenario (where Actor = Officer) my post condition on success would be 'generating a work task for Manager for approval'.

In one scenario (where Actor = Manager) my post condition on success would be 'Loan is approved'.

But steps for Making a loan application are common to both users. Only different difference is Officer submits and Manager Approves.

So I think,

Make a loan application is one use case where actor = Officer.

Approve Loan is one use case where actor = Manager which includes Make a loan application.

if this is correct, Am I covering the functionality of making an application where actor = Manager?


Can I have,

Make a loan application use case with actor = Officer/Manager. (basic flow ends when user saves last mandatory information.)

Submit loan application as a separate use case with actor = Officer and which includes Make a loan application and 

Approve loan application as a use case with actor = Manager with Make a loan application, Reject loan application as AFs.

 I believe that I made my question clear with better explanation. Let me know if I am still confused and confusing you 

New Post 5/9/2014 11:48 AM
User is offline fred
13 posts
10th Level Poster

Re: How can I write use case for this scenario? Please suggest. 

 I would start with:

"Make a loan application is one use case where actor = Officer.

Approve Loan is one use case where actor = Manager which includes Make a loan application."

Once you have it flushed out see if you can consolidate it. A few years back I wrote the use cases for a loan origination system and there were only 6 use cases for the entire system from application to closing.  

You use cases need to provide value to the actor so if the goal is the end with an aproved or rejected loan application then all the steps that lead up to it could be in one use case. You don't have to start out that way though, get the steps down and then refactor as needed. 

New Post 5/11/2014 10:08 PM
User is offline Sundu
3 posts
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Re: How can I write use case for this scenario? Please suggest. 

I agree that making an application by Officer is merely data entry.

If I go by your statement, " You use cases need to provide value to the actor so if the goal is the end with an aproved or rejected loan application then all the steps that lead up to it could be in one use case.", data entry that Officer does, does not provide significant value compared to ultimate goal 'Approve/Reject loan application'. In which case I am not sure how to mention below within the use case text,

1. To specify Actor of the use case.

2. To specify that Officer can only submit the work and the same work will be approved/rejected by the Manager.

New Post 5/11/2014 10:42 PM
User is offline Sundu
3 posts
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Re: How can I write use case for this scenario? Please suggest. 

 May be my entire approach is wrong. I have a system already designed and I am just trying to reverse engineer (But I dont have requirements).

For that I am going by my screens (GUI) which I think is not a correct approach. And this is the reason I am very much confused.

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