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New Post 10/6/2008 1:18 AM
User is offline Naveen
4 posts
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Wannabe BA 

Warm Greetings to all the BA's in the forum. My name is Naveen and i am working as a Software Engineer, having an experience of 2 & a half years. i want to get into this very interesting field. I am planning to do a basic BA course in Bangalore from an IIBA authorised education provider. will it be helpful? what is the scope of me landing a job based on this course? Since i have worked on JAVA for the past 2 & a half years, is it an advantage for me to be from this field?
   waiting for my queries to be answered. i still got lots more to ask. it would be great if i find answers to my questions here.
      also this forum has been extremely useful for me to understand the world of a BA.

New Post 10/6/2008 1:49 PM
User is offline Chris Adams
323 posts
5th Level Poster

Re: Wannabe BA 

 naveen_ns wrote

Warm Greetings to all the BA's in the forum. My name is Naveen and i am working as a Software Engineer, having an experience of 2 & a half years. i want to get into this very interesting field. I am planning to do a basic BA course in Bangalore from an IIBA authorised education provider. will it be helpful? what is the scope of me landing a job based on this course? Since i have worked on JAVA for the past 2 & a half years, is it an advantage for me to be from this field?
   waiting for my queries to be answered. i still got lots more to ask. it would be great if i find answers to my questions here.
      also this forum has been extremely useful for me to understand the world of a BA.


Welcome!  Making the transition to Business Analyst from Software Engineer isn't a given, but it certainly can be done.  Your development background can give you some skills that you and hiring managers may find advantageous. 

I would say that a course from an IIBA endorsed training provider can indeed help you make the transition, but it doesn't gaurantee a job or even mean that your jjob search will be easy.  It does, however, show the hiring manager that you are serious about making the career transition and it should give you a firm foundation in many Business Analysis principles.  What type of course are you currently looking at taking?  What are the topics and subjects covered?

Chris Adams
Core Member –
LinkedIn Profile
New Post 10/10/2008 11:18 PM
User is offline Naveen
4 posts
No Ranking

Re: Wannabe BA 

hey Chris, Thank you for the quick reply. am sorry i could not reply earlier, was very busy with my work. Its nice of you to guide me in these matters. what u r saying is absolutely right. even though i might finish this course, job is not guaranteed. what i feel is that this is my 1st step toward becoming a BA and gaining d basics would be great. Rest as they say....Do your Work & Hope For d Best .   

Now the Training provider has sent me a long list of Topics & Subjects which i have pasted below. plz do have a look at d subjects and lemme know what you feel about it.



Core Concepts in Business Analysis

Skills in BA
o Knowledge skills-Analysis/Business/IT
o Collaboration skills
o Leadership skills
BA Skills Set
o Business Process Analysis
o Productivity Analysis
o UML Modeling
o Business Process Models
o Use Case Models
o Software Requirements
o JAD Session Facilitation
o RUP Modeling
BA Workflows-RUP
o Business Modeling
o Requirements
o Analysis & Design
o Implementation
o Test
o Deployment
o Project Management
o Configuration & Change Management
o Environment
Business Intent

o Understanding strategic plans, goals and objectives

BA Environment
o Feasibility Study
o GAP Analysis
o Business Architecture framework
Determine Scope of the Project

o Identify scope and define business Opportunities or Problems.

Preparing the Business Case
o What is Business Case?
o Benefit and Cost Assessment
Risk Assessment
o Risk Identification
o Probability and Impact
o Risk Rating
Put Artifact Framework in Place
o SRS, SRS Templates and Check list
o Supplemental Specification

o Use Case Specification and UI Specifications-(Mockups/Screen Designs)



o What is a requirement?

o Importance of Gathering Requirements and documentation


o Requirements used by the software developers for best delivery


o Difference between Business and Technological requirements.


o Understand the business problem before deciding on a solution

Documenting Requirements
o Types of Requirements
􀂃 Business Requirements

􀂃 Functional Requirements

􀂃 Technical Requirements

o Concept of traceability of requirements.


o Review several documentation formats and analysis techniques.


o Business analysts should be aware of the documentation options and be trained in the particular techniques preferred by their organization.

o Textual templates
o Use case diagram and descriptions
o Workflow diagram
o Prototyping

o Consider options for packaging requirements and choosing the appropriate documentation techniques for each project.


o Review currently available software tools that can be used to document requirements. Verification and Validation of Requirement


􀂃 Identify missing or incomplete requirements.


􀂃 Identify potential test cases.


􀂃 Document issues and develop an approach for going forward.

Validate the Requirements

o Introduction to software testing: Why is testing important? What is the business analyst's role in testing? What is the primary objective of testing? What are the phases and types of testing?


o Learn the two main testing documents: test plans and test cases.


o Learn to verify that the business requirements are complete by identifying test cases.

o Requirements-elicitation techniques
o Document analysis-Strength and Weakness
o Prepare for document analysis phase
􀂃 Background
􀂃 Desired situation
􀂃 Specific problem areas
o Analyze the documents phase

􀂃 Extracting relevant information


􀂃 Decontextualizing information


􀂃 Recontextualizing information


􀂃 Documenting information

Requirement Elicitation Techniques

o Reverse engineering-Prepare & Perform

o Observation
o Survey
o Interview
o Brainstorming
o Focus group
o Requirements workshop
o Elicitation Best Practices

The requirements communication area involves the transfer and exchange of information for the purpose of reaching a common understanding between stakeholders.

Create a requirements communication plan
o FPA Software Estimation techniques
Manage requirements conflicts
o Meetings, Peer Review
o Issue Log
o Determine appropriate requirements format & packages
o Conduct a requirements presentation

o Conduct a formal requirements review-Feedback & Q&A

Obtain requirements signoff


The requirements gathering areas consist of requirements elicitation, requirements analysis and documentation, and solution assessment and validation. The information gleaned from stakeholders is exchanged with other areas, most particularly requirements planning.

Joint Application Design (JAD)
o JAD Sessions and Brainstorming
o Use Case Drafting JAD
o Business Object Modeling
o JAD-Analysis of Results
o Low life prototype
o Hi life prototype
o Functionality Prototype
Use cases
o Use cases
o Actors
o Communication Relationship
Use case Realization
o Sequence diagram
o Collaborative diagram
Relationship list
o Includes
o Extends
Flow of Events
Basic Flow

Alternate Flows


Exception Flows

Business Rules and Special Requirements
Story Board designing-Mockup screens
Data Models
Process/Flow Models
Other UML Modeling diagrams

o Modeling the Static View: The Class Diagram


o Modeling the Static View: The Object Diagram


o Modeling the Functional View: The Activity Diagram


o Modeling the Dynamic View: The Sequence Diagram


o Modeling the Dynamic View: The Collaboration Diagram


o Modeling the Dynamic View: The State chart Diagram


o Modeling the Static View: The Component Diagram


o Modeling the Static View: The Deployment Diagram

Data & Behavior Models
o Business Rules
o Class Model
o CRUD Matrix
o Data Dictionary
o Data Transformation and Mapping
o ER Diagrams
o Metadata Definition
Develop alternate solutions
o Mapping
o Requirements fulfillment

o Software Development Life cycle-SDLC Models-waterfall, iterative

Build Planning

o Prioritized, approved business requirements & recommendations


o Technical Constraints and their problems, feedbacks


o High level understanding of technology potential-Standards

Facilitate the selection of a solution

o RFP-Request for Proposal/RFQ-Request for Quote

Ensure the usability of the solution
o Usability testing
Support the Quality Assurance process

o Testing for BA- types like System, System Integration & User Acceptance testing (UAT)


o Development of a test plan, test case/strategy for the solution


o Execution of test case based on business scenario


o Document test failures based on by severity and by probability of occurrence

o Defect tracking and resolutions
Support the implementation of the solution
o Implementation & Conversion plan
Communicate the solution impacts

Post implementation review and assessment

2. MS Viso
1. Rational Rose
2. Rational Requisite Pro

New Post 10/14/2008 12:58 AM
User is offline Kimbo
456 posts
5th Level Poster

Re: Wannabe BA 

Hi Naveen,

Have you spoken to your current employer about moving into analysis or even getting some analysis work? They may even pay for your training.

I think a course like that which is enormously comprehensive will be more valuable if you can use what you learn as you go in your work.

Btw, good luck in your quest. I was a developer for 15 years before I become a full time BA.


New Post 12/2/2008 9:43 PM
User is offline Naveen
4 posts
No Ranking

Re: Wannabe BA 

Hi liddelk,

    i spoke to a few peole in my comapny & came to know that there is no position of a BA in our company. Can u tell me, how do i go about looking for a BA job. its reallly frustating to sit & write code when u know that this is not the thing u want to do. please do advice.

also am based in Bangalore, India. if any BA from India could give me specific ideas, i would be grateful.

thank you.

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