I received some feedback that I should include the steps to how to follow, add example questions etc. so I've given those below.
There are 3 ways to participate. At a minimum follow the proposal, but if you can please follow the steps 2 and 3 as well
1. Follow the proposal
2. Vote for example questions
3. Add Example Questions
4. [as needed] Ask questions about the proposal process in the discussion area.
1. FOLLOW THE PROPOSAL by following the steps given below
1 Click on this URL http://area51.stackexchange.com/proposals/103542/business-analysis-and-product-management?referrer=tQD5stAn83fVn9212Iwh9g2
2 Click on the Follow it! button

3 You will be asked to provide your email address. Submit the form.
4 Check your email address and click on the link provided to verify your email ID

Optional Steps, but highly recommended
5 Once your email is verified, on the area51 page click on Register on the top panel

6 On the Area51 Register page, select any of the open ID options and complete registration

1. Review the questions, and click on the upvote arrow if you think the question is a valid example question for the this proposal.
Remember each user gets only 5 upvotes!

2. Downvote questions which are bad example questions. One reason I would downvote a question is if I know an answer can be found by a quick google search. [Eg. What should I include in an BRD]. But if you downvote, do try to provide your comments on why you think its a bad question. It helps people join the discussion and define the boundaries of the site.

3. [optional] Comment on questions if you have any questions or comments about the question. Please DO NOT answer the questions here. That will be needed in the next phase.
Once you follow and register, you can share your own follow link to add points to your profile.
1. On the proposal page, scroll down to enter your example questions and click on Post your example questions. Please note, it has to be really short i.e. only 150 characters allowed.

Remember, the example questions can be any question that
1. You may have an answer to, but you think is an interesting question
2. You may have wanted to ask someone in the past [or present] . Though you may not get an answer to it right away, people will be able to answer that once the project goes into commitment phase.
Additionally, Ask your questions about the process
Feel free to ask questions about the proposal process by adding a new discussion question on top by clicking on Add a new discussion.

Please do let me know if anything else I can help to move this proposal along.