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New Post 2/21/2011 8:43 PM
User is offline mangesh
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MBA stream selection 


I am working as a Business Analyst(Retail) with one of India's top Analytics firms. I am a fresher to the analytics industry, but i do have prior work experience in IT.

I wish to do an MBA about 2-3 years from now. My question is "What is the specialisation that i should be looking for when i apply for an MBA?"

My target is to become a consultant in this domain. My novice understanding of this field tells me that an MBA in strategy should be the way to go. But after looking up on the net, i did not find any info for colleges offering something like this.

Request experience people to please guide me.

New Post 2/22/2011 5:20 PM
User is offline KJ
243 posts
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Re: MBA stream selection 
Modified By Chris Adams  on 2/22/2011 8:36:02 PM)


When I did my MBA (30 units), it was very much a Generalist Business Degree, with the focus on Business, Marketing, Economics, Finance/Accounting, business behaviour (Human Resources, Industrial Relations, Org Development) and Strategy. Nowadays you can do an MBA with 8-12 units, which includes a specialization.  At Melbourne uni the MBA/MIS consists of 26 units. My point: MBAs differ widely and so do the quality; and having an MBA might not be such a grand differentiator as you might think, it depends very much on the Management School.

Strategy is a CORE unit in any MBA; I’m surprised that you are finding MBAs without this CORE unit. Perhaps you should give those MBAs the flick!

Sometimes an undergraduate Business Degree is just as good; and then a good Graduate Diploma in IT (which recognises your work experience in the field). Now remember, I’m writing from an Australian Perspective, where this combination of Undergraduate/Grad diploma is quite an acceptable combination and sometimes better valued. (Seen ads that says MBAs need not apply).

All the best with your deliberations!

Warm regards,



New Post 2/22/2011 8:21 PM
User is offline mangesh
2 posts
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Re: MBA stream selection 
Modified By mangesh  on 2/23/2011 3:28:33 AM)

Hi K,

Many thanks for the insights into the importance(or the lack of it in some cases) of an MBA.

To drive home the point that you made about Strategy being a core subject in any MBA syllabus, i would like to present the curriculum of 2 of India's best management schools in the links below. (present in core, but better options present in electives)

Both these MBA colleges have strategy as a subject but it is an elective subject, not a core one.

With regards to my undergrad degree, i have one in IT, hence the urge to go in for an MBA to gain a better understanding of the business domain.

Hope that Indian B-schools make some changes to their syllabus soon! Else i might be forced to look outside the country for my graduate degree.




New Post 2/23/2011 2:12 PM
User is offline KJ
243 posts
6th Level Poster

Re: MBA stream selection 


Awesome institutes! IIMIDR does STRATEGY MANAGEMENT as a CORE subject in TERM-III; and so does IIMK (Strategic management and International Business).

All the best!


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