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New Post 8/29/2008 9:49 PM
User is offline Craig Brown
560 posts
4th Level Poster

Re: Transition Plan 
Modified By Craig Brown  on 8/30/2008 12:49:36 AM)

What Tony says is pretty accurate.  Understanding the current state provides an excellent foundation for knowing where you need to go.

At the high level the process enables you to identify the transitionplan from current state to target state.  Without knowing your starting location you can't use a map to get anywhere.

At the detailed level, knowing the current state gives you insight into all the detailed rules and exception handling processes that make what sounds like a simple process so complicated - and enables you to have a better understanding of the complexity in the journey.

You rarely get sufficient time and resources to do a thorough investiogation into the current state, and while you should do your best to cover the ground in as much depth as you can, you inevitably have to make some compromises.  Accept them, but also document the gaps you didn't analyse and state the assumptions you are making (in consultation with your team mates.)

These assumptions are then added to the project plan and help account for variations to time and effort later on. 

(BA and PM to project sponsor: "Our assumptions were wrong, and we were not given enough time to analyse everything.  This was your decision.")

Work as fast as you can.  Give feedback to your sponsor as stakeholders regularly and as early as possible.  Plan your work before you begin.  These things help you a great deal.

Good luck.

New Post 9/4/2008 1:04 AM
User is offline srikanth
33 posts
9th Level Poster

Re: Transition Plan 

Sorry for delay, As I was busy in work. Let me give a try to give more clear picture what my task is more about
the As-is is done .Project brief as it say that all students write exams all over the world for may  and Nov session its about
marking scripts, storage, award grading(which includes concepts like standardization, moderation, etc)
our project is about computerizing it as papers will be scanned and marked online(e-marking), similarly they want to introduce,
e-checking (inplace of clerical checking) e-assessment(for grade wards) etc

so we got some 3rd party who are doing allthis (but at intial stage not finilized)
so rampup plan is upto 2015 its a big project so introducing this project is not some which is replaced but is done both online
and conventional way so my task is to understand as-is and preapre transition plan(its about rollout and support needs)
which says how much can we target for 2009, 2010..till 2015 for each project and provide information like training needs,
user support needs, which countries we can target ..itsmore about numbers and
and what if we cannot reach our target numbers so i have to document in transition plan.

Hope you got an idea what I am tring to explain where To-be is some thing not done yet bcoz its not decided how can we put the
technology to develop our self or give to others or they have done trails they are happy and they want to impliment.
so I aM trying to understand as-is in more detail so please guide hoe can I make things much better
and how should I approach to make transition plan , like assumptions, constraints, other factors how should I document
As I am gathering information and I need to represent statistically or a way ..which I need to find.

Thank you ,


New Post 9/18/2008 3:20 AM
User is offline srikanth
33 posts
9th Level Poster

Re: Transition Plan 

Hello every one,

Our As-Is model is done and To-be(not yet done) as decisions are still pending for To-Be model. My transition plan is for just BA scope(transition from system to another). I gathered information and documents (making assumptions for to-be model I got graphs, pie charts etc..). So I need to document nicely the transition plan to move from stage A to stage B and easy to understand. I am at starting stage where I am not clearly getting an idea how to proceed in a proper method.

I got all information abt as is and how we can reach to-be .But problem is how to start with good headings, and other stuff .

Any one with ideas please can help me.

Thank you,




New Post 9/18/2008 3:36 AM
User is offline Guy Beauchamp
257 posts
5th Level Poster

Re: Transition Plan 


My suggested headings for things that need to be done as part of the transition plan based on POLDAT (some of these may not be relevant of course - depends on your project scope):

Processes - how will processes migrate from old to new and how will the business function during the transition (e.g. special interim processes and procedures?).

Organsiation - how will the organisation migrate from old to new and how will the business function during the transition (e.g. special interim organisational structure?).

Location - how will the business migrate from old to new locations or the changes to the physical structure of the location(s) and how will the business function during the transition (e.g. some locations/parts of locations in use or out of use or changed use? Car parking always a biggie for this one).

Data - how will processes migrate data from old to new and how will the business function during the transition (closely linked to changes to processes as processes manipulate data).

Application - how will processes migrate from old to new applications and how will the business function during the transition (e.g. special interim applications needed?).

Technology - how will processes migrate from old technology to new and how will the business function during the transition (by technology I am refering to enabling technology that allows applications and people to work - e.g. networks and mobile phones etc.).

Customers - if customers are being impacted by the change, the communication plan to inform them and prepare them.

Employees - if employees are being impacted by the change, the communication and training plan to inform them and prepare them.

I bet I have missed stuff, but its a start...?


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