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New Post 9/23/2021 5:28 AM
User is offline HannahBBA
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BAs and PMs in the same team, or separate? 

In my organisation, the BAs and PMs all sit within the Project Management Office. As we work closely together on projects, this has historically worked well for us. However, I know that in many organisations, the BA and PM teams are separate - just wondered if anyone has any comments on this as an alternative approach? The good and bad!

New Post 10/17/2021 4:02 PM
User is offline hims111
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Re: BAs and PMs in the same team, or separate? 

Hello HannahBBA,


I have worked in both scenarios – BA / PM, both within the PMO and both working in a separate structure. More or less, in my experience there was not much of a difference as the end-goal being project go-live. When both work in a BAU environment with no PMO, at times BAs have to prioritise BAU issues over their current projects which could lead to derailment of project time-lines and pushing milestones. This could lead to temporary chaos which eventually is sorted as all stakeholders are informed and the project time-lines are realigned.

Kind Regards,


New Post 10/22/2021 7:20 PM
User is offline Kimbo
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Re: BAs and PMs in the same team, or separate? 

Hi Hannah,

... and sometimes a BA is also a PM and vice versa. I'm currently working on a project and doing both roles. Not for the first time. Feels like a bit of a holiday being a PM for a while. Just ordering people to do stuff rather than having to do all the stuff myself :)  


New Post 7/5/2023 7:23 PM
User is offline Sophico
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Re: BAs and PMs in the same team, or separate? 
Modified By Chris Adams  on 7/6/2023 9:08:47 AM)

 HannahBBA wrote

In my organisation, the BAs and PMs all sit within the Project Management Office. As we work closely together on projects, this has historically worked well for us. However, I know that in many organisations, the BA and PM teams are separate - just wondered if anyone has any comments on this as an alternative approach? The good and bad!

In most projects, both the PM and the BA are needed, even if the PM may occasionally work on the project and the BA occasionally works on the product. So I don't think it's bad.

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