Hi, I've been a BA for just over two years. I come from a programming background and was fortunate enough to be given the role of Business Analyst in the company I work at as there was a gap in the team and the CTO recommend the role to me.
I am very keen to increase my skills and knowledge as a BA. I try to read forums similar to the Modern Analyst and have attend some seminars / workshops held by local communities on business anaylsis related subjects. The current company where I work has many Project Managers but I am currently the only Business Analyst within the IT department. Other centres are located geographically far from our centre.
I feel as though I would develop additional growth as a BA if I had a mentor and could learn and be coached by someone who has walked in these shoes before. The Project Managers are stretched to their limits in work and don't have time to act as mentor, and I am not sure who else I could turn to to help me.
Has anyone experienced this and has some recommendations on finding a BA mentor or coach?
It's going to be tough finding a mentor if there are no other business analysts at your location.
Here are some other options:
Beyond that, you might consider paying for a mentor... I know that sounds strange but it might be very helpful to spend some money on an hourly basis for a professional Business Analyst coach. Just out of curiosity -> would you consider paying for coaching? If so, how much?
- Adrian
I don't think your mentor neccessaily needs to be a BA, they just need to be senior enough to have a strategic view of work. I'd think anyone in a decicion making role (think they control a budget) would do, as long as you respect them.
I do think you should look for someone local to you as face to face will work best.
I echo Adrian's recoomendation to seek out an IIBA chapter, or failing that a PMI one.
And you can always ask questions here.
Hi, if you interested in some unofficial mentoring then please email me at GuyBeauchamp2008@Googlemail.com - I have around 20 years experience in Business Analysis both as practioner and trainer and have some ideas about how to structure mentoring. We can discuss that and if it works for you see where we go from there.
Hi, thanks for the recommendations. I have located an IIBA in my location and am looking forward to meeting other business analysts through this group.
I agree that face to face would probably work better for me than a remote mentor. Not sure that I would pay for Business Analysis coaching, but may give it more consideration if I am unable to find someone within the organisation as craigwbrown suggested.
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