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New Post 8/15/2007 10:39 AM
User is offline Adrian M.
765 posts
3rd Level Poster

Re: The Lost Secret of Business Analysis 
 craigwbrown wrote

I've just started posting some articles on my blog about business process analysis.  It's aimed at beginners in the field.  If you want to have a look go across to


Craig - Better Projects Blog

Hi Craig,

Great post on Process Analysis 101.  I will have to agree with you that there is lots of ambiguity when it comes to process modeling.  However, with the advent of the "new" Business Process Management systems there has been more focus on modeling business processes.

By far, the best modeling notation that I have seen is the Business Process Modeling Notation (BPMN).

I love BPMN for many reasons, here are some:

  • It includes all the standard features of workflow/activity modeling such as tasks, sub-tasks, splits, joins, swim lanes, etc.
  • It has a very rich set of adornments for tasks/activities which visually show a variety of task attributes such as: repeated task, sub task, etc.
  • It has a very rich set of events which can trigger a process, be in the midst of the process, or trigger as a result of ending a process.  Examples: error events, message events, timer events, etc.
  • There are many more reasons but here is one more: the concept of a Pool.  BPMN supports the idea of multiple processes/organizations running independently but with interdependencies.  Each organization is modeled as a pool with its own lanes.  BPMN has the concept of messages which are used to communicate between processes in different pools.

All I can say is check it out!  I am currently working on a large muli-million dollar project and BPMN has proven very versatile and useful for creating business process flows and modeling processes in general. In many cases, I have been using BPMN instead of the UML Activity Diagram.

Oh ya, one more thing!  The value of BPMN is clearly understood by the industry as it has been recently adopted as a standard by the OMG (Object Management Group) which is also the standards body for UML.

If this stirred your interest, check out the BPMN specification and other resources at

Best regards,

- Adrian

Adrian Marchis
Business Analyst Community Blog - Post your thoughts!
New Post 8/20/2007 4:31 AM
User is offline Craig Brown
560 posts
4th Level Poster

Re: The Lost Secret of Business Analysis 


BPMN makes a lot of sense and incorporates all the best practices of past models and frameworks.  However...

Many many many 'business side' practitioners haven't got any training or education in the space of process design and modelling, not to metion system analysis or requirements elicitation, and it's just a little confronting for them.  So unless you are really into sophisticated process management old school process modelling is an important first step in skill development.  This is the angle I am comong from.

Additionally the concpets and principles I am writing about are relevant to BPMN regardless of the specific process document standards you use.


Craig - Better Projects

New Post 8/20/2007 6:05 AM
User is offline Adrian M.
765 posts
3rd Level Poster

Re: The Lost Secret of Business Analysis 


You are absolutely correct... the principles and patterns of process modeling apply regardless of the actual process modeling notation.  I just really like BPMN because it allows the practitioner to create models which are much less ambiguous.  Also - there is a written specification on what the symbols mean and how to use them as opposed to the more traditional workflow diagrams for which there isn't a standard specification - not that I'm aware of.

- Adrian

Adrian Marchis
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