There is no doubt in my mind that curiosity nurtures the mind when it comes to T shaped skills.
T shaped professional are specialist in something(the vertical line) and also have a wide range of skills and knowledge in a broad range of subjects(the horizontal line) and are are highly sought after in the workplace. I’ve recently started unpacking my own unique skills and attributes to see what T shaped skills I have developed in my personal life and career. I keep coming back to curiosity. It’s the one trait that delivers on so many attributes on the horizontal line. In this post, I am going to explore what ‘being curious’ means to me.
“Curious about people, ideas and challenges”
One rather simple sentence but encompasses so much.
Curious about yourself and others will develop self awareness, empathy, communications and personal development.
Curious about ideas will develop learning and understanding.
Curious about challenges will develop innovation, problem solving and resilience.
Starting with the things you are interested it in from hobbies to studies is a great way to expand or improve those vertical skills. You may not necessary need the skills today or tomorrow but you will be ready for when the opportunity comes your way.