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New Post 4/21/2015 5:35 AM
User is offline claire01
1 posts
No Ranking

Started new job but.. 



I started a new job with a company thats never had a BA. Because im the only BA working for them the job is very stressful because this is my first role as a BA and there is no structure for me to follow. i was thinking of looking for another role where there is a bit more structure and where i can can work with other BA'S.

I was wondering if i could get insights whether its bette for a junior BA to start in a company thats already structured?

Thanks in advance

New Post 4/21/2015 1:12 PM
User is offline NitWitNick
259 posts
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Re: Started new job but.. 

I would probably start with the Established Company to learn Concept to Implementation projects, documentation and working with various departments (technical, non-technical resources) and so on .... then when you get experienced with all that ... you might feel more comfortable in any other company.

However, there are plenty of templates out on the internet you can download to do whatever you have to do ... or take a look at what the company has used and done in the past ... see how they wrote stuff up.

Go see what you have to analyze, take good notes and fill in the template you downloaded or the company had.

New Post 4/25/2015 8:18 PM
User is offline Kimbo
456 posts
5th Level Poster

Re: Started new job but.. 

Hi Claire,

As a suggestion, try to find some BA mentors outside your company to talk things over with. Local IIBA chapter might be a good place to start looking?


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