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New Post 7/2/2014 3:46 AM
User is offline Dev
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10th Level Poster

Whats next if you have domain experience in different domains 
I work in a service company and have been put into different domains say for ex Airline, IT-GRC etc. Now is there any career path (other than IT-BA) that I can take which includes experience in multiple domain? Other choosing a domain which I have worked earlier and sticking to it.
New Post 7/3/2014 4:34 AM
User is offline Kimbo
456 posts
5th Level Poster

Re: Whats next if you have domain experience in different domains 


One possible way to sell yourself is as a BA with domain expertise. Another is to sell yourself as a BA who has a set of techniques that work in multiple domains and has experience gained in many. One means stuck in one industry forever, the other means variety, change and potentially more interesting work. Guess which I prefer and what my experience has been?


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