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New Post 8/19/2013 3:23 AM
User is offline Zen
1 posts
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BA Role 

Respected members,

I am new to this site and desperately lookin for advise. I have been working as Application support analyst for the last 3.5 years and looking progress my career as IT BA.

I have worked as BA in the past for 2-3 years on contract then got permenent application support analyst role but quite keen to get back to BA role. 

I have recently passed BCS- Business analysis foundation exam and looking to do full diploma, is it worth doing business analysis diploma?

Can you please advise what's the best way to get BA role? Usually recruitter ask you were BA and then why did you move to support role well I don't have proper answer to it but it was personal issue and I was looking for permenent role that time and stuck with so many other things and then time passed by very quickly until I realized.

I will appreciate if you can guide me what's the best way to get into BA role now?




New Post 8/20/2013 12:28 PM
User is offline Alan
5 posts
10th Level Poster

Re: BA Role 

Hi Zen.

Earlier in my career. after being a BA for several years I moved into a Project Manager role then into an Applications Manager role. I realised I hated both roles and I needed to get my career back where I wanted it to be; i.e. I wanted to move back into a BA role. When recruiters asked me why I had moved into the PM and Apps Manager roles and why I now wanted to  move back to a BA role I told them the moves seemed like good opportunities at the time but doing those jobs made me realise that business analysis is where my strengths lie and what I want to do. I also pointed out that the experience those roles gave me have given me a broader range of skills and experience, which can only be good for a BA. I now sell myself as being passionate about analysis. You coud try a similar approach.

Goid luck anyway!




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