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New Post 8/24/2012 9:44 AM
User is offline mikenash
4 posts
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Need Help Please. I'm Applying For a BA Position. 

 Hi all,

Just joined the forun and need some help advice please.

I am currently running a 4 month BA program at a local firm where I am based and I am half way through the course. I have however seen a few BA positions I can apply for. One current opening is for a trainee BA, which kinda sounds like me (for in 2 months time I will (hopefully) have the certification, and would then need the experience.) And so I want to submit an application for this trainee BA position asap, and one of the requirements of the application is a motivation/covering letter of sorts, basically statting why I think I am the best man for the job.

I plan on spending the whole weekend drafting this letter, but I would like to get the opinion/advice/input/etc of an experienced BA on what I write. So for example, if you were hiring a trainee BA at your firm, what kinda things would you be looking for in a covering/motivation letter, that would make you pick a candidate over another. so I am looking for 1, 2, or 3 people who will please be willing to read over what I come up with.

So if you would be interested in doing this fior me, please kindly indicate so here so that I can contact you when I am done writing and we can determine a way for me to send you my write-up.

Many thanks in anticipation, and do please feel free to ask any question, or seek any clarification.



New Post 8/26/2012 1:40 AM
User is offline Kimbo
456 posts
5th Level Poster

Re: Need Help Please. I'm Applying For a BA Position. 

Hi Mikenash,

For a trainee I'd probably be looking for basic things like motivation, experience and some idea on soft skills. You're obvioulsy motivated with the course you're doing. If you can also show some relevant experience that is also really good and probably more important than a training course. Soft skills are also important. Things like spelling and grammar for instance. Your post above displays a poor grasp of both and I urge you to make sure your letter has no mistakes in that respect. I'll give you feedback if you want. Tell me how to get in touch.


New Post 8/26/2012 4:00 AM
User is offline mikenash
4 posts
No Ranking

Re: Need Help Please. I'm Applying For a BA Position. 

 Hi Kimbo,


Many thanks for your reply and offer to review my work. Much appreciated. I'll send you a PM when I'm done writing asking how to send it to you. Oh. I just checked and I don't think there's a way to PM you, so I'll post here. (I just hope you are subscribed to this thread.)

But just to brieflly touch on what you said... Per motovation, I guess my enrolling in the course can count as one. Perhaps other things that I am hoping will count in my favor are (i) I have the CAPM certification in project management from PMI (ii) I worked for three years in an administrative capacity in a PM training and consulting firm. (iii) I had previously been studying to become a six sigma green belt with ASQ, but didn't complete the training, but I at least have a firm grasp of the subject. So in this regard, given that six sigma is about process improvement/waste reduction/efficiency/etc. The advantage/point there is the mind set it has given me, which I will definitey be applying to whatever task I am doing, be it a BA or PM related task. Per soft skills, of course besides the "basics" like Office, I am also relatively tech savvy, with some basic knowledge of html/php/java/css. And just generally have an interst in all things tech. Only I don't know if these count towards your definition of soft skills.


Either ways, thanks again, and I'll be in touch.

New Post 8/27/2012 1:00 PM
User is offline mikenash
4 posts
No Ranking

Re: Need Help Please. I'm Applying For a BA Position. 

 Hi Kimbo, My letter is finished and ready for you. I just hope you get to see this message. If so please send me a mail to...  mikenash100 AT gmail DOT com so that I can forward you my letter.

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