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New Post 1/25/2012 5:38 AM
User is offline Ann
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How can a business analyst get a break into banking/finance sector? 

I am a business analyst in the telecoms sector in the UK. How can I get a break into banking/finance sector as BA? I do not have any prior banking experience. Would taking any banking certification help? If so, please suggest some.

New Post 1/25/2012 2:08 PM
User is offline Tony Markos
493 posts
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Re: How can a business analyst get a break into banking/finance sector? 


School/training may help.  However, some BA's get jobs in domains (i.e., business sectors) for which they have no experience.  Basically, to do such, the individual needs to, in the interviewing process, come across as being someone with very good people skills and a high level of initiative.   A requirements spec is a highly negotiated document so these skills can trump domain experience, sometimes alot of such experience.


New Post 3/4/2012 10:13 AM
User is offline MajuryACSI
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Re: How can a business analyst get a break into banking/finance sector? 

 Hi Ann,


As Tony said but also the Financial Services are have a few Telephony programmes on at the moment so your previous industry experience may be useful on those programmes and will give you some FS experience which make it easier to land other roles. 

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