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New Post 6/14/2011 10:02 PM
User is offline Vineet
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Starting a career as a Business Anslyst from Merchandising Manager 

Hi All,
I am currently working as Merchandising Manager in one of the retail chain in India. I want to switch to business analyst role from the current position. Please let me know the courses or the steps which I need to go through to achieve the same.
Also let me know is it a good move and what would be future carrer after taking up these courses i.e. what kind of industry  I should be looking forward to to apply for a job.

Thanks a lot in Advance


New Post 8/8/2011 3:14 AM
User is offline MarkRay
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Re: Starting a career as a Business Anslyst from Merchandising Manager 

 If you understand your domain, then you should be able to tell what is lacking in a product, service. For example, if you are in retail, would you know how much efficient your retailing process is? Do you know how other companies are doing it? Do you know what customers want? Do you know how you can get your company to manufacture, procure, distribute them? do you understand the business of the business?

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