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New Post 7/29/2009 5:45 AM
User is offline Michiel Erasmus
13 posts
10th Level Poster

Flat broke. gained BA +PM experience. Needs training! How? 

None of my employers never sent me on any training whatsoever .

Without going into details as to why/how.. I'm living financially on the fringes. Affording any classroom trainings will indebt me forever more. Employers are interested only in the €'s invoiced by me while they never never invest into trainings. For those who are curious. My European Union residence permit was connected to an employer sponsor.  And no i live very modest, earn a good salary but its all being sucked up by some other stuff.

Getting BA training was free. While sub-contracting for 12 months the end-client paid the consulting fee + had me supervised by a Sr. BA. It was a ULTRA SUPER experience which built the foundation for my current work & career.  The consulting firms responsible for my salary didnt pay €1 for any training yet my repeated requests for BA trainings was ignored. They refused to pay.  In fact I did a training which they promised to pay me back for, in the end, I had to pay it myself from my own salary .

In the past 3 years i assumed a combo Bus. Analyst + Jr. Project Manager role, all from just reading + posting on internet forums, listening & producing podcasts.
Yet, i really need some classroom training and a mentor would be beneficial!

What’s YOUR way of education when stuck with cash flow trouble?

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