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New Post 1/5/2009 7:09 PM
User is offline Roman
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10th Level Poster

Business Analysis and ITIL 

Dear community.

After just graduating from a college that included an introductory course on ITIL Framework, I am curious as to how beneficial it is now (and in the future) for business analysts/business systems analysts to have a certificate in ITIL?  From my high level understanding of ITIL, it is all about aligning IT and business together by ensuring that IT services are readily available for use and IT services in fact do match what business is asking for.  Since as business analysts we must deal with change management, operations and at times configuration management, wouldn't it be better to know how we can utilize ITIL framework to deliver high end quality products and services to the customers?

As part of my after school academic pursuits, I would like to acquire the certification in ITIL but before I do that, I wanted to consult with fellow business analysts community in regards to this matter, any feedback or suggestions would be greately appreciated.



New Post 1/8/2009 1:40 PM
User is offline bas
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Re: Business Analysis and ITIL 

ITIL is closer to support activities. If you work in support team as Analyst (i.e. you need to write some Reqs to change working Software) or you are going to develop ITIL Software it will be good to know how ITIL works. In this case you need to know how it should work but you can have no certificates. In other case ITIL is useful for Process Engineers or CCM personal.

New Post 2/1/2009 2:30 PM
User is offline BA Trainer
18 posts
9th Level Poster

Re: Business Analysis and ITIL 
Modified By BA Trainer  on 2/1/2009 5:32:45 PM)

Hi Roman,


It is not at all necessary to have an ITIL certification to be a successful BA.You just graduated and i'm sure you must be looking forward to your first break.To get into IT industry and start working as a BA, you first need to ensure the hiring manager that you are well versed with BA skills and then later in your career if you are working with support team, you might think of ITIL certification. My advice will be not to go for it.I have seen so many of my BA students first preparing to get into the industry as BA and then they decide to move to project Management, Business management path.

First of all polish all your skills as well as resume as a BA to start interviewing and then later once you have a break in your career, think on what kind of certifications may advance you based on the interest you have .

contact me at [email protected]

for further questions.I would be glad to help new students take decisions for change or advancement in their career.




BA process Lead

Successfully trained/placed students in IT industry


New Post 3/13/2018 10:54 PM
User is offline Bharti Popat
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Re: Business Analysis and ITIL 

These day's most of the IT organizations are looking for or try to engaged with those business analysts who have professional ITIL Certification with, actually these is very advantaged for the any business because business analyst with an ITIL Certification knows minimize response times, increase product efficiency, offer customer delight and reduce resource costs in an IT organization.

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