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New Post 5/14/2008 9:16 AM
User is offline James-STL
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Ten Warning Signs of a Toxic Boss 
Modified By Adrian M.  on 5/14/2008 2:33:08 PM)



I ran across this article about the warning signs of a toxic boss. I'm sure that some of you (Including myself) will work for consulting companies; meaning that you will interview with the hiring company. These are valid points. I wish i knew about these signs before i accepted the position with my current boss.

As the article states;

"Red flags to such behavior often appear as early as the interview process. We've compiled 10 warning signs of a toxic boss. Watch for them in the interview and you might be able to avoid a negative work environment -- or at least know what you're in for:"

Here's the link;

Had to deal with a boss exhibiting any of this behavior? How did you manage?

Thanks -

James - St. Louis


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