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New Post 1/9/2020 1:51 PM
User is offline pramodh555
9 posts
10th Level Poster

Title not BA but requires BA work  

I'm currently employed as a BA on contract basis to an organization. They offered me a full time role considering my experience with the current project but the title of the role is not BA but Application service delivery due to their budget constraints. This role however requires me to help them perform BA work on ServiceNow and also when it comes to application delivery to guide the team to do testing and etc.They have suggested me to come with the suitable title but not as a BA. Appreciate your advise.

New Post 1/12/2020 8:44 AM
Online now... Adrian M.
765 posts
3rd Level Poster

Re: Title not BA but requires BA work  

Hi Pramod,

It would be helpful to have more details on the responsibilities of your new role.

Having said that, there are some title which might fit:

  • Functional Designer
  • Process Designer
  • Service Delivery Manager
  • Requirements Engineer
  • Product Owner

Hope this helps,


Adrian Marchis
Business Analyst Community Blog - Post your thoughts!
New Post 1/12/2020 5:47 PM
User is offline pramodh555
9 posts
10th Level Poster

Re: Title not BA but requires BA work  

Hi Adrian,


Thank you very much for the response.



New Post 1/13/2020 5:01 AM
User is offline Stewart F
119 posts
7th Level Poster

Re: Title not BA but requires BA work  

Hi Pramodh555,

As a BA Manager, I read this with interest. Telling someone to change their title because they don't have the money to pay for your proper role is an old, and I personally think, below the belt tactic. 

I'm not sure if you have accepted their offer yet, but if I were you I would do/ask the following:

1. Get them to create a job specification for your role (if they haven't already). It should outline what your day to day responsibilities are. 

When you get this, does it read as if you were a BA? If it does, then ask yourself are they trying to hire a BA, but on the cheap? If you are doing more, why aren't they paying you more? Ask yourself what this tells you about the company?

2. What is your salary requirements and what are they offering. If they are using these tactics now, they wont suddenly say 6 months down the line "Oh, do you know what, you are a BA aren't you - here have a BA salary". You will always be behind on that front. 

3. What is your career progression. Ask them directly. IF you have created a niche role for yourself, then the chances are you may find it hard to get out of that niche.

4. If you are looking to leave in the next 5 years, make sure your title is a bit more 'progressive'. By that I mean the following. Place yourself in the minds of another company that might want to hire you for a more senior role (assuming you want to go for one in the future). Are you more likely to get hired if you are a "Requirements Advisor" or a " Requirements Manager"? Obviously the 'Requirements Manager' (I'm not suggesting these as titles for you, more just an example). So maybe think about what looks better on your resume. After all, if your new hiring company cant be bothered to think of a title, why not think of a better title for your own personal ambitions?

New Post 1/14/2020 5:01 PM
User is offline pramodh555
9 posts
10th Level Poster

Re: Title not BA but requires BA work  

Hi Stewart,


Thank you very much for your advise. I had a deep discussion with the manager who offered me this role, in terms of what is the expectation of the tasks. As it came out he was trying to fill one of the two vacant slots he had as an Applications Service Delivery officer and at the same time trying to use me to get done some of his major work related to Service Now. He was not really willing to change the title for me. Therefore i explained to him what my expectations are and then the discussion sort of died down, where i indicated that i am not interested unless get a proper role as a BA.

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