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New Post 10/24/2018 6:06 PM
User is offline sparxcoord
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How do you raise your profile at work? 
I want to learn more about how savvy BAs raise their profile in their organization. I think most Business Analysts are working really hard to contribute to the success of their organizations, but I'm curious how they get noticed doing it too (especially by those higher in the organizational structure). How do you call attention to your good work and ultimately get promoted?
New Post 3/5/2019 2:13 AM
User is offline JayneAnne
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Re: How do you raise your profile at work? 

In truth, what I have found is that (even though maybe not what many people want to hear) is working the extra hours and just really putting yourself out that 10% extra above others to stand out. Turning up early an hour to get that report to be better than anyone else's. Staying an hour late to add extra meaty content to reports. Just going the extra mile basically. Once you rise up in the organisation then took your foot off the pedal a bit. Sometimes about pure hard work and standing out from the crowd. It often works.

New Post 3/28/2019 5:22 PM
User is offline Kris 03
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Re: How do you raise your profile at work? 

Taking up additional responsibilities (like filling in for a manager when they are on leave, coaching newly formed team) - will not only make it look like you can effectively perform that role, you can even get promoted since you have proved yourself.


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