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New Post 11/29/2017 1:30 AM
User is offline Sweg
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Technical vs. Business Analyst Balance 

I have recently begun a Technical Analyst graduate program with a company.
My University degree focused on the Business Analyst aspects of IT.
But, we also did technical aspects (C# and Java, etc.)

The course I did basically covers 50% business modules, & 50% technical modules. I preferred the more technical modules. During my internship last year, I spent 6 months working as a Business Analyst, focused more on the testing aspect of projects.

I did enjoy the testing side of things, but I would like to be more on the technical side of things, rather than talking to the business, gathering requirements, etc.

I have recently been moved to Java Developer, but it is quite difficult for me. I know I have only just started, and i need time to get familiar with how the team works, etc.

But, I would like to know is there a role in IT where you sit in between the BA role & a developer role?
I am more interested in the Design (UI/UX) & Database (SQL) rather than "hardcore" java, classes, etc.

I have heard terms like Technical Architect & Systems Analyst thrown about, but I don't know if these are the roles which I'm looking for.

Could someone please advise me as to which role they think I would be more suited to, or am I looking the wrong way?

Thanks a lot for reading this, and I appreciate any responses.
New Post 12/1/2017 8:38 AM
User is offline NitWitNick
259 posts
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Re: Technical vs. Business Analyst Balance 
No replies yet and I might not be of help to you ... But, Hi. --- My first computer job was a Consultant. I used to be a pilot for a Government consulting firm and used to hang out in the computer center where ever we went nation-wide ... anyway, they later sold the Jet and I was asked if I wanted to work as a Consultant ... I said OK. As a Consultant, I worked with everyone from various computer centers to Big-Shot Politicians ... I got requirements and told the programmers what we needed ... Heck, I even did programming too ... So, My first computer job was a Jack-Of-All-Trades Consultant ... Everything from Business to Technical and because of that range of stuff, I can still work on plenty of contracts now ... as long as they don't want some degree ... That is another thread. Learn what you can in every project role, so you are not just one thing ... Have Fun.
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