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New Post 4/1/2016 8:01 AM
User is offline stryder1587
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Choosing between 2 business analysis jobs 
Modified By Chris Adams  on 4/1/2016 8:47:50 PM)

I am choosing between a job at Ontario Teachers Pension Plan and a Business Systems Analyst 2 position at TD bank.

My main concern is the pension plan job is not a Senior level while at the bank it is a Senior level. I am currently already Senior and don't want to be downgraded. I would need maybe 2 years to get back to Senior just to be at the same level before. That said however, the pay is about the same in both positions. The pension plan has a great reputation and is conveniently located for my daily commute.

New Post 4/2/2016 5:23 AM
User is offline NitWitNick
259 posts
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Re: Choosing between 2 business analysis jobs 

"I am currently already Senior and don't want to be downgraded."

Also ...

"That said however, the pay is about the same in both positions"

So then you also say, "The pension plan has a great reputation and is conveniently located for my daily commute."

If you like the work you will be doing at the Pension Plan ... sounds good to me, save time on travel and gas ... Besides the Pension Plan is a lower position for about the same pay ... which means it will be easier to get raises than if you were already a senior at the bank at top pay.

Now, after 30+ years of doing this stuff ... at the pay I want, I don't care what they call me ... those days are long gone ... I just need to be able to Cash My check.

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