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New Post 6/16/2011 6:06 AM
User is offline Rahul
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Advice on my Career 
Hi all! I need the help of you guys badly! I am currently working in a manufacturing/engineering company in India (Alstom is the company name) as an engineer implementing Lean Manufacturing and leading TPM (basically improvements/analysis/excel/presenting stuff,etc.. I have had about 2 years of official experience & a year long internship from my undergrad school. I want to get into Business Analysis/Research Analysis. I have had a fair understanding of the profile. My plan is to somehow get into a consultancy firm,a good one, gain some experience of the profile(a year or two) and then do an MBA. Is the path right? Am I missing something? Thanks!
New Post 6/23/2011 5:27 AM
User is offline Craig Brown
560 posts
4th Level Poster

Re: Advice on my Career 

 That's a tough question to answer.

What do you really want to know?

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