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New Post 6/4/2011 10:29 AM
User is offline fibreclaw
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Career Blues -- Guidance needed 
Modified By fibreclaw  on 6/9/2011 5:20:13 AM)


New Post 6/5/2011 11:27 PM
User is offline fibreclaw
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Re: Career Blues -- Guidance needed 
Modified By fibreclaw  on 6/9/2011 5:20:23 AM)

OK.. May this is a bit more to read.. If you were a TECHNICAL BA -- what are the areas or toolset which you would specialize in.. If you were a Business BA - in my case Retail and Core banking.. What would you do to increase your skills or degrees (without leaving your job).. And What are the areas which you would look at sharpening your BA skills.. as in any UML trainings.. Requirements analysis trainings.. BA certifications.. Thank you !!

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