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New Post 3/19/2013 1:50 PM
User is offline sp_key
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10th Level Poster

When user stories should not be used? 

 Hi all,

My team is eager to replace our traditional requirements document with user stories. 

I would like to know whether there are any clear disadvantages in this approach.

For example, are there any cases that you know of that user stories are not able to capture requirements in a sufficient manner? 

Many thanks in advance

New Post 4/24/2013 10:47 AM
User is offline dldelancey
61 posts
8th Level Poster

Re: When user stories should not be used? 

I find NON-functional requirements to be more difficult to derive from user stories.  That's not to say you can't, just that it's a risk.

New Post 4/25/2013 10:05 AM
User is offline Tony Markos
493 posts
5th Level Poster

Re: When user stories should not be used? 


Here are a couple of things to think about.  They reflect recent discussions within the Linkedin  "Agile Business Analysis" group.

*  How do you determine the extent of of a user story?   Or stated differently, how do you right-size a user story?

*  If you have a bunch of user stories, how do you integrate them all together?  It is realatively easy to identify standalone requirements (such as via a user story); the real need is to identify the interrelationships between them.



New Post 4/26/2013 1:31 AM
User is offline Kimbo
456 posts
5th Level Poster

Re: When user stories should not be used? 

Agree with Tony. User stories in isolation are not sufficient to model a system (software or manual or both). You still need an overview that ties them all together.


New Post 8/8/2014 4:27 PM
User is offline Shiro
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10th Level Poster

Re: When user stories should not be used? 

Hi there,

How do you write an overview that ties all user stories together?



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