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New Post 6/2/2010 7:58 AM
User is offline joey
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Unified Process Textbook with examples 

Hello I am looking for a book on the UP interative development that will show me detailed examples of each phase and what is included in the inception, elaboration, etc phases. Do you know of any?

New Post 6/3/2010 1:57 AM
User is offline Kimbo
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Re: Unified Process Textbook with examples 

 Hi Trini Man,

When I was starting out I used "The Rational Unified Process: An introduction" by Philippe Kruchten. Here is the link on Amazon:

If you go to amazon and search on "Rational unified process" there are what looks like some great books.

Plus check out the web of course. Wikipedia has some excellent information for instance:

The wikipedia article also has references and further reading. Krutchen's book is one of the references I see.

good luck


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