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New Post 12/7/2017 7:28 AM
User is offline JJonas
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Best practices for writing user stories that extend a product 

I recently created a few epics for a new project that is about extending one of our product for the needs of a customer.

The user stories I wrote explained what were the needs of the customer regardless whether they were already implemented or not in our product. Then I get some complaints from the developers as they were expecting the user stories to only contain what they need to implement.

My point was that it is important to capture all the expectations from the customer, and we still need to confirm to the customer that the product is working as expected, including the features that are supposed to be already implemented, so these already implemented features should be tested as well, to make sure there is e.g. no performance issues that happen with the particular use case of the customer.

As I am new to both business analyst and agile workflow, I would like to receive some feedback: what would be the best practices for this case, according to you?

New Post 12/9/2017 6:51 PM
User is offline Kimbo
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Re: Best practices for writing user stories that extend a product 

Hi Jonas,


The existing features should already have been documented and included in regression testing. I'm with the developers on this, just create stories for the new features. 


If you want to create stories to document existing product features, do it as a separate exercise.



New Post 12/19/2017 5:17 AM
User is offline JJonas
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Re: Best practices for writing user stories that extend a product 

Hi Kimbo,

Thank you for your answer. I believe I will create user stories only for the new features as you suggested, while also describe in general terms what are the needs of the customer, so that the persons reading the epic can have an overview of the whole process, while having a good clarity about what the work to be done is about.


New Post 4/9/2018 8:21 AM
User is offline Carolcz
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Re: Best practices for writing user stories that extend a product 
You can always refer back to previous information in the acceptance criteria... such as User must be able to perform previous functionality as per User story or Test Script ###.
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