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New Post 11/12/2012 7:54 AM
User is offline Bernie Hittner
19 posts
9th Level Poster

Search jobs online!!!! 

Myfriend lives in India. He has a work experience of more than a year but is presently searching for another job for a change. Can anyone suggest me of any websites for people like him to search for jobs online? I know there are a number of them but many of tehm are fake and have been created just for SEO purposes. Are there any genuine websites? Any help would be greatly appreciated.


New Post 11/18/2012 11:36 PM
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Re: Search jobs online!!!! 

 Bernie Hittner wrote

Myfriend lives in India. He has a work experience of more than a year but is presently searching for another job for a change. Can anyone suggest me of any websites for people like him to search for jobs online? I know there are a number of them but many of tehm are fake and have been created just for SEO purposes. Are there any genuine websites? Any help would be greatly appreciated.


In you can find many job opportunities!!

New Post 11/24/2012 12:49 AM
User is offline Bernie Hittner
19 posts
9th Level Poster

Re: Search jobs online!!!! 

Thank you so much for the link. I hope my friend gets a decent job now with so many options available on the site that you mentioned. Thanks again for your reply.

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