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New Post 1/26/2010 3:49 PM
User is offline Divya
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Telecom BA interview Qestions 


I am appearing for an interview for the post of a Telecom BA. Can I please get some help in the questions I might be asked?

I do have a a background in telecom having worked with British Telecom for 4 years. However, this is my first interview outside of my previous job and I really want to nail it. Any help is much appreciated.


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New Post 3/24/2010 3:25 PM
User is offline nil
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Re: Telecom BA interview Qestions 

Hi Divya,

where are you located? are you in India?

let me know may be i can help you


New Post 3/31/2010 10:55 PM
User is offline Williamsunny
10 posts
10th Level Poster

Re: Telecom BA interview Qestions 

Hi Divyasharma,

Some common questions for telecom are listed below:
- Introduction about yourself?
- Elaborate on being a Telecom business analyst?
- What do you know about broadband etc?
- What is the biggest change happening in world telecommunications since the last telecom?
- What is the most honoring part about this job?
- How long have you been involved in this profession?

Do your best to prepare and not get flustered. You already have a long professional experience, and can easily answer any of these questions.

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