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New Post 6/11/2009 8:42 PM
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Currently Seeking a BA opportunity 

Hi Recruiters

I'm currently seeking a full time/consulting opportunity as a business analyst.

I worked as a full time Business Systems Analyst at UMass Medical School. During my job I've worked on several projects related to PeopleSoft Student Systems, web portal project for elder affairs website for Commonwealth of Massachusetts. I also worked with few internal clients for UMass Medical School like Equal Employment Opportunities with Affirmative Action Plan for UMass Employees involved in modifying crystal reports and sql queries.

I earned my Masters Degree in Computer Science from University of Illinois at Springfield  in 2007 and worked as an Intern for Illinois Department of Transportation for a year and was involved in building a Share Point Site for IDOT intranet. I have experience working with database and programming, details of which are in my resume.


I have excellent communication skills and always maintain a mature, gracious and professional manner while communicating with people even during difficult situations.

Please email me at [email protected] if you have any opportunities available for me. I can email my resume.




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