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New Post 2/8/2008 9:39 AM
User is offline Pooja
1 posts
No Ranking

suggestion reqd. 

hi folks,

Is there oppurtunity to move from a developer role to a BA. If so, how can it be achieved. currently, i possess only an Mca degree.

New Post 2/8/2008 10:08 AM
User is offline Adrian M.
765 posts
3rd Level Poster

Re: suggestion reqd. 

Hi Pooja,

There definitely are opportunities and options for a developer to move into a Business Analyst role.  Most developers will not be able to jump directly to business analysis to coding. 

A more realistic career progression would look like this:  developer -> systems analyst -> business analyst.

Check out this blog entry for more details:

From Developer to Business Analyst

- Adrian

Adrian Marchis
Business Analyst Community Blog - Post your thoughts!
New Post 2/22/2008 10:06 PM
User is offline kr_BA
34 posts
9th Level Poster

Re: suggestion reqd. 

Hi Pooja,

As far as my experience says there is no bar for becoming BA, people often switch

to this field, if they have sound analytical and problem solving skills relating to

application/functional domain. Only additional skill required will be knowledge

and  hands on experience on some modelling methdologies like SSAD or UML,

that will mature gradually from continous practice and thought process.

As for you I will say just hold on and try to apply processes in your technical ability

and look for what and why you are developing applications rather than how.

& last keep trying to face interview on BA/SA related positions! It will fetch you

more idea.

Kumar Rohit

BA - ERP systems ,

New Delhi.


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