Hi, at my organization, I'm about to embark on that holy grail of all projects - implementation of an ERP. As the designated BA, I've been tasked with gathering the requirements for the core areas where we wish to implement the solution (Procurement, Commercials, Financials and HR for the time being) with an eye towards using those requirements to source the right vendor (our company exists in the Construction vertical, so we are eyeing one of the top 5 Construction ERP's). I've already conducted a week long session with HR and listed (not modelled or pictorially represented in the form of processes) their requirements.
I realise this is not enough but HR is satisfied with this outcome and I'm afraid other departments will also only work up to this level as well i.e. list their requirements on Excel, rate them by importance etc. With HR, I listed over 100 different, distinct functional requirements spread over 6 modules, but we never created any process diagrams.
My question is:
To what level should the analysis be performed? My approach is to do the following - Document As Is Process (most important), Gather To Be Process, Perform Gap Analysis, Identify Data Needs, Represent any and all workflows pictorially etc. Is this overkill? Should more than this be done?
Any suggestions/feedback/guidance from experts out there would be greatly appreciated.