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MECE Framework 
Modified By Chris Adams  on 11/22/2016 11:18:14 AM)
MECE framework for structured thinking
What is the MECE Framework?
MECE stands for “Mutually Exclusive – Collectively Exhaustive”
It is a structured problem-solving approach that forces you to list down all possible options without double counting.
The Problem Statement is written down first. You must choose your words carefully while writing this down to ensure that there is no ambiguity in understanding the problem.
The Options to solve the problem are then listed down in a tree-like fashion. The options must not overlap (Mutually exclusive) and no option must be missed out (Collectively exhaustive)
Once the tree is built, the pros and cons of each path in the tree is discussed until the optimal solution path is decided.
The MECE Framework can be used in case interview questions or in situational interview questions.
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