What is the best industry verb term for writing requirements associated with having new records created in the database?
create , persist, store, record, insert ?
"What is the best industry verb term for writing requirements associated with having new records created in the database?"
That could be an easy paragraph or a whole section dedicated to data entry, testing scripts and results.
How are the records created ?
Is this a current database or a new database that is being created ?
If current ... why and what are you doing to create them (requirements) ... by hand or with a program ?
If by hand ... why ?
If by program ... what are they looking for ? Were their previous data errors from the program ? Is there any program data entry tests that you could reproduce error or get the results you are looking for ?
If a newly created database, I'd just say something easy, Like ... after creating the new database, add some records for testing the tables, logicals and keys.
There is no standard. Just pick one and be consistent.
It could be argued that you're looking at a solution now, not a requirement but I expect I'm just being pedantic... again
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