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New Post 3/20/2015 9:21 AM
User is offline Leyla
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BRD: existing functionality requirements 

If you work on the project that leverages the existing functionality how do you document the existing requirements pertaining to your project because they are part of the overall workflow? For example, you develop requirements for a new screen of the existing process. How much of the existing requirements you need to specify in your BRD so it will be helpful for testers to read a full story and see all workflows to write accurate and complete test cases. This question applies to a waterfall environment.

Thank you.

New Post 3/23/2015 7:51 AM
User is offline NitWitNick
259 posts
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Re: BRD: existing functionality requirements 
"develop requirements for a new screen of the existing process"

When you say the screen is new for an existing process ... are you just adding some new fields to the screen using current programs without any changes to a process but just want to display some extra data (ie: building a car ... the process stays the same, but you want to now display the name of a tire or radio manufacturer and the cost of those items ... but no changes to the actual building process).

If So ...

I would probably just create an "AS-IS" and "TO-BE" Process Improvement document.

"AS-IS" - The understanding of the current screen operations and performance.

"TO-BE" - The Goal, What do we want the new screen to do.

I'd make prints of the old screen and drawings of the new screen so the changes could be seen by your stakeholders and approved.

For your developers, You could identify the current screen fields that would be used from the old system (the same data from current programs could be used to populate those fields) ... and then the requirements for the New Fields you want to add to the screen and the detail you need to specify for developer understanding if a calculation needs to be performed (if I use this stereo FM radio, the cost of the car would be $25 higher or just AM, no additional cost ... but remember, the building process remains the same ... just a part change.).

If Possible (it should be with a test environment), I would run testing in parallel (old screen / new screen) with test scenarios and validate the answers between the two to make sure the old fields were still correct and any new fields you added worked, calculated and displayed as needed.

Let me know if I'm Right, Close or You're Fired ... 
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