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New Post 1/1/2014 11:38 PM
User is offline Rudzymn
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1st Document to be produced by BA 

Hi All.

Just started my new job as a BA and i have been allocated a project. Been doing lots of reading and researching for my new project.

It is a brand new system/process that never existed (there is no manual process as well). I have had my 1st meeting with the Exec who want this to be implemented and gathered some requirements. 

My question is, since there is no existing process for this my understanding is that i therefore cannot do an "As-Is", therefor cannot do "To-Be" (please correct me if im wrong), so my question is which document to i then produce to the team 1st as a BA in this kind of a project?

Thank you very much - i look foward to your response.

New Post 1/8/2014 8:18 AM
User is offline dldelancey
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Re: 1st Document to be produced by BA 

You don't need a current state in order to define a future state.  In your case, the current state is simply that you don't have an existing process.  It's null, so to speak.  Carry on defining the future state.

That said, your deliverables are dependent on the scope of the project and the needs of the stakeholders, including the people who are tasked with delivering the solution.  If you (or someone else) hasn't already done stakeholder identification, then back up and do that.  If it has already been done, then talk to those stakeholders and ask them what deliverables they are expecting.  Keeping in mind that they probably aren't going to name specific documents or models, but they will reveal their business needs which, in turn, will inform your decision regarding deliverables.

New Post 1/9/2014 1:51 AM
User is offline Rudzymn
3 posts
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Re: 1st Document to be produced by BA 

 Makes sense. Thank you very much. Appreciated

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