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New Post 7/27/2012 10:18 AM
User is offline Niks
8 posts
10th Level Poster

Use Case for Report Card 
Modified By Niks  on 7/27/2012 12:25:50 PM)

Hello Friends,

Currently I am creating BRD for Report Card:

Report Card will be generated by the end of the year for each of the organization assoiciated with the Business Process.

This report card will give details about the performance of the Organization of the period of time.

Each Report card shall include 8 different dash board reports which will give a clear picture of the Organization performance. Data for the report card will come through different data sources.

My next step would be to create use case model and write use cases based on the requirements.

Can anyone please tell me what could be the possible USE CASE MODEL and what different USE Cases can be created.

Also what could be the possible Trigger for generating Report Card.


Thanks in advance

New Post 7/27/2012 10:34 AM
User is offline Perry McLeod
70 posts
8th Level Poster

Re: Use Case for Report Card 

 A use case or case for use as they were originly called are business processes that uses verb noun phrases to express stakeholder needs, usually end users.

Examples are Add Customer, Grnerate Report, Rent Video. They must have only one business value and that value must be visible to the user doing the use case

Once you have determined all the business Processes that must be done you may begin to document the Process steps within the use case. Search google for a good use case template.

As far as your question goes which use cases do you need well that is what you must elicit from your stakeholder

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