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New Post 6/11/2012 10:22 AM
User is offline ShaunB
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Do I documented what a system DOESN'T do??? 

I'm working on a mobile website project, whereby we are taking portions of the Full (desktop) site and making it "mobile friendly".  I was asked today if I am documenting what the mobile site ISN'T doing.  Meaning what the Full site does that the mobile site isn't.  

I have always learned to only document what the system WILL do, not what it DOESN'T do.  This was asked by my company's upper management and my guess it's more of a CYA exercise rather than proper practice.  

I wanted to get people's opinion on this.


New Post 6/11/2012 12:49 PM
User is offline Tony Markos
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Re: Do I documented what a system DOESN'T do??? 


If you know what the full site does, and the mobile site is just a subset of it, then it should only take you a little while to come up with the spec for the mobile.    Sounds like the real issue is that what the full site does is not fully understood.  


New Post 6/11/2012 1:13 PM
User is offline Chris Adams
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Re: Do I documented what a system DOESN'T do??? 

 It's completely reasonable to document what a system doesn't do.  That's what we call Gap Analysis.  Now, if you are documenting what isn't done you don't have to document it at the same level of detail.  Only document what makes sense, which is probably feature level and nothing more. 



Chris Adams
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New Post 6/11/2012 2:48 PM
User is offline Perry McLeod
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Re: Do I documented what a system DOESN'T do??? 

 Remember it is always good practice to document the things you must, should, could and won't do.  This is known as athe Moscow technique.

New Post 6/12/2012 2:05 AM
User is offline Kimbo
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Re: Do I documented what a system DOESN'T do??? 

 Hi Shaun,

I suggest capturing a list of function points in a spreadsheet then have a column for Full Site and a column for Mobile. Tick the columns where the function is delivered. That should be a sufficient CYA exercise. Of course, get everyone to sign off on your spreadsheet.


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