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New Post 1/27/2011 12:27 PM
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context diagram 


  I'm wondering if anyone has a suggestion. I have a project to produce some new queries ( reports that won't be run from any system ) but to accomodate that we need to make a bunch of changes to a few systems. I would like to hold a scope meeting and visually display this using a context diagram. However , I'm not sure if this can be summed up in a single context diagram since I'm not changing just 1 system. Would I need a diagram for each system that is being changed and the external entities that are interacting with the system ? Any recommendations would be great. 


New Post 1/27/2011 5:52 PM
User is offline KJ
243 posts
6th Level Poster

Re: context diagram 



Its difficult to draw a context (level 0) diagram without starting with a level 1 diagram first.  And drawing level 1, will allow (boxes/processes) for each system. Perhaps you could use the level 1 for your scope discussion as it will clearly show external entities and the relationship to systems. All the best!


Warm regards,



New Post 1/28/2011 1:39 PM
User is offline Kimbo
456 posts
5th Level Poster

Re: context diagram 

One other comment to add to K's. Don't get too hung up on fitting into whatever definition of a context diagram that you have. Draw what you need to draw to get your argument across. If you need to break diagram rules, break them.


New Post 1/31/2011 7:07 AM
User is offline anonymous
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Re: context diagram 

 Thanks for the replies !

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