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New Post 9/28/2010 8:31 AM
User is offline iceburg501
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Report analysis techniques 

Was looking for a nice and easy way to PRESENT my report analysis.

I have analyzed 51 Reports that our application offers. There are many redundant reports; the business is asking we consolidate duplicate reports.

I have analyzed the reports and put together an excel that displays the reports on the left and the columns names it displays.

Is there a better way to present my findings to the stakeholders? Some kind of cool heat map or bar chart?

Thanks in advance for your feedback!


New Post 9/28/2010 8:40 AM
User is offline iceburg501
2 posts
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Re: Report analysis techniques 

Simply said, how do I best visulize my findings ?

New Post 9/28/2010 3:39 PM
User is offline Kimbo
456 posts
5th Level Poster

Re: Report analysis techniques 

 Hi Iceburg501,

From what you've posted, it doesn't sound like you have actually done what they asked you to do. You said you have put together a spreadsheet of reports plus the information on the reports. 

What they want you to do is:

1. Look for ways to consolidate reports

2. Remove redundant reports

So if you haven't, you should identify the redundant reports and validate with the business that they can be removed.

For the consolidated reports - remember that you may be able to combine more than 2 into one - you need to define the fields on the new consolidated report and probably map the fields from the old reports to the new one. Also do a report layout for the new report.

Hope that helps.


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