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New Post 6/21/2010 4:32 AM
User is offline Weed
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need help with a business rule 
Modified By Weed  on 6/21/2010 6:56:26 AM)

this is the scenario, on one of my reports there is a specific field that users enter a 16 digit number into, but most of the time it is the 16 digit plus additional unnecessary information consisting of alphanumeric and special characters, i have no control over the field and the 16 digit entered is not always in the same format, sometimes it is entered with a space and sometimes without a space, i need to design a rule that only extracts the 16 digit number from the rest of the garbage, what can i do?

New Post 6/21/2010 4:11 PM
User is offline Adrian M.
765 posts
3rd Level Poster

Re: need help with a business rule 

Here are some assumptions based on your note:

  • the 16 digits come first in the field before any other "junk" data
  • understand that the 16 digits may be spearated by spaces and/or dashes

You could do this simply by going through the string character by character and if the character is a digit ( 0 thourgh 9) then extract it.  Do this until you've got 16 of them.


Adrian Marchis
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