I am a BA and I am writing use cases for a very large product reverse engineering project. We have a VB based application which has many batch processiing capabilities. I am writing for the use case for one of the complex batch system which does not have any screen. There is not going to be any actor interaction in this use case. First of all, for a batch system do we elicit the requirements in a Use case doc or any other document? This is my approach.. I have broken the entire batch system into logical chunks where each chunk represent a unique functionality and I am writing the use case for these chunks. Since there is sequential flow, I am mentioning the Post Condition of one use case will become a pre condition of another. Is this approach correct? I have so far written use cases where there is actor-system interaction and this is the first time I am attempting to write for a batch system. Can someone suggest how do I write the use case. if you have any specific template to acheive my requirements, pls do post it..
Thanks in advance.
Hi Chandra,
An actor doesn't have to be a person, it can be another system or one I often find is the system scheduler (or system clock). There must be something that triggers the batch processes happening? That is where you'll find your actor. Your use case in this circumstance is likely to be pretty simple though.
I suspect you're effectively designing the batch processes using use cases. If that's the case, then your approach is incorrect. Remember that use cases are not about solution. You might be better off using something like a sequence diagram or even an activity diagram or, dare I say it, a word document with pseudo-english steps. Or a combination of these. Better still, get your solution architects to do it, its there job to do this stuff anyway ;-)
Good luck
1: Listen to Kimbo!
2: What you are doing is reverse engineer batch processes. You are going from a Platform Specific Model(PSM: physical Model) to a Platform Independent Model (PIM: logical model). Have a brief read about model driven architectures (MDAs at the OMG site), just to get an idea.
Here is what I'd do if I was a Techo/Solution Architect (not a BA).
I'd suggest you collaborate with your solution architects to create a repository of your artefacts; again I'm assuming that at some point you'd like show functions, data and user interfaces etc and their inter-relationships.
All the best!
warm regards,
these guys seem to have covered this one off. Just to add that use cases are intended for systems where there is a reasonable degree of user interaction. This seems not to be the case so they would add no value.
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