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New Post 1/15/2020 2:37 AM
User is offline Neel Kamat
3 posts
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Requirements for upgrade of technology stack? 


My client is upgrading their technology stack. They do not have any prior requirement documents and I am starting fresh on this project so I have to start the requirements from scratch.

 Please provide me some ideas on how I should proceed to elicit and document requirements for such project.

 Thanks and regards

New Post 1/15/2020 9:21 AM
User is offline Chris Adams
323 posts
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Re: Requirements for upgrade of technology stack? 
Modified By Chris Adams  on 1/15/2020 12:23:12 PM)

Hi Neel,

This is a unique project for a business analyst, since I would think they would normally have someone on the dev side handle this. But your BA skills apply none the less.

Start with the As-Is Stack:

  • What is used today?
  • What are all of the applications and systems that map to each piece of the tech stack? 
  • What are the benefits realized by the existing pieces of the stack? Speed, Scalability, Interoperability (you will likely uncover a lot of non-functional requirements here).
  • How does the current stack meet the needs of the organizations, its high-level goals, and its business strategy? Are there clear short comings of a particular technology being used?

Determining the To-Be Stack will depend on the requirements and shortcomings you find in the As-Is state.

If I was given this project, I'd look at it as a fun opportunity to dive in and learn about the technology side of the business which business analysts are often excluded from.  Fun!


Chris Adams
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New Post 1/15/2020 8:59 PM
User is offline Neel Kamat
3 posts
No Ranking

Re: Requirements for upgrade of technology stack? 

Thanks, Chris!

I was also thinking to start with the AS-IS state.

As i am continuing to work on this project, I realize that they do not have any documents at all. So i will have to pretty much document starting from the BRD

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