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New Post 8/22/2017 6:49 PM
User is offline aravind
9 posts
10th Level Poster

Conflicting Requirements  

Hi Everyone, 

I am fairly new to BA role, I have come up with a scenario where two stakeholders are giving me conflicting requirements, what would be the best way to handle the situation? 

Thanks in advance. 

New Post 8/23/2017 6:57 AM
User is offline NitWitNick
259 posts
5th Level Poster

Re: Conflicting Requirements  
Have a Meeting With Both - The Biggest conflict of requirements was when a Major Real Estate company bought 40+ other companies across the united states and was also moving their main headquarters from California to Dallas. Seemed like each of the 40+ offices had their own computer system and the different codes they used on each of their properties was different and that was what they wanted as their Requirement ... So each company had their own requirements and did not want anything else. They argued with us, but that was another problem at first. We held meetings explaining what we needed, but didn't force anything on them. We gave people in the other companies the codes we needed to use on properties, and let the companies work with each other to come up with what they agreed to and tell us ... when people got involved and we used their preferences ... they became enjoyed working with each other and us ... So, if there is Conflicting Requirements (Only 2 stakeholders), I would setup a meeting with those two people, cover what was needed and work out something that both agree on ... they may talk with each other and come up with something that is great for both ... if not, then I would have to escalate it to higher-up company management to to settle and get back to me ... usually when they work together, escalations didn't happen. Remember, if you Force stuff on them, your project becomes harder ... they don't want to work with you. Three years later, the mergers were completed. Have Fun.
New Post 8/24/2017 6:16 PM
User is offline aravind
9 posts
10th Level Poster

Re: Conflicting Requirements  

Thanks Nick 

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