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New Post 1/31/2013 6:24 AM
User is offline Raj
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Indepent Consultant looking for BA Training  


Dear BA Guru's:

I am looking get started with Training in BA and would like to

know if any one intrested in give online/onsite traning and be my mentor

and willing to take out time for this and open to options


Pl email your contact to [email protected] so that i can reach out to you

 Thanks in Advance


New Post 5/30/2013 9:23 AM
User is offline NitWitNick
259 posts
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Re: Indepent Consultant looking for BA Training  

 Go to YouTube and search for "Business Analyst" ... there should be a lot of FREE videos and school classes (Some Professionally Made) that can get you started ... or even advance what you already know.

I've used it many time before to learn stuff.

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