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New Post 6/24/2011 10:15 AM
User is offline chileshe
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10th Level Poster

What are the words of Wisdom that experienced BAs can pass on to newbies?  
Hi Im just begining my career as a business analyst and would like hear the words of wisdom That BAs of years of Experience could pass on to a newbie like myself   Many thanks
New Post 6/24/2011 12:13 PM
User is offline NitWitNick
259 posts
5th Level Poster

Re: What are the words of Wisdom that experienced BAs can pass on to newbies?  

Over the last 25 years of doing systems, the biggest things I've run into is being the Bad Guy, lack of cooperation and being Led Off-Course.

Don't take it personally or get mad at anyone...

Many companies don't inform business units and users of upgrades to their when suddenly, I try to contact a manager in a department or a user to get some information on their workflows, etc....many will think I'm only there to design a system to eliminate their job....suddenly they will not be available to you and some will even try to give you bad information, thinking it will give them some extra time before being laid off.

Depending on the size of the project, we will usually try to break the ice with a Project Kick-Off meeting...with the departments / users involved and some food and beverages....explaining what is going on and introducing the team members they may contacted by....and then answer questions to ease their minds. Someone from upper management is usually there to give support to the team and answer those "Will we be laid off" questions. Once the ice is broken, it is usually much easier to work with people.


Don't get technical with people....don't try to impress users with technical Jargon....sometimes they will feel embarrassed and don't want to talk to you anymore for fear of being embarrassed again.


Sometimes you will have to interview a manager that is so caught up in themselves....telling you how important their job is and how they are putting aside valuable time to meet with you and your very presence in their office better be worthwhile....Blah, Blah, Blah.

Just sit there and listen to the lecture and when they are done, thank them for making time to meet with you....and start asking your questions.


Gee, there are so many things....every day is a new day.


New Post 6/25/2011 1:20 AM
User is offline KJ
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Re: What are the words of Wisdom that experienced BAs can pass on to newbies?  


After 35+ years in the game, my WORDS are:

LISTEN - to the business problem

UNDERSTAND - the business problem

CONFIRM - your understanding

THINK - whats needed to solve the business problem, within the known constraints (people, money, place etc)

COLLABORATE - with the user (many a time they know the solution)

RESPECT - the user (acknowledge their contribution)

HUMOUR -  The best advice an old timer gave to me when I started was to laugh and not take yourself to seriously because just when you think everything is sweet things can go terribly wrong.

May you have a wonderfull few years in this game!

warm regards,


New Post 6/30/2011 11:58 AM
User is offline chileshe
5 posts
10th Level Poster

Re: What are the words of Wisdom that experienced BAs can pass on to newbies?  

Thanks a mill K I´ll take note it´s amazing how listening and understanding well can be taken for granted. Cheers


New Post 6/30/2011 12:01 PM
User is offline chileshe
5 posts
10th Level Poster

Re: What are the words of Wisdom that experienced BAs can pass on to newbies?  

Yep we always keep on learning Many thanks for the insight



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